Issue: Southampton City Council  required additional communications capacity to support the dissemination of urgent and essential COVID19 information to their most vulnerable residents in the city which included people in care homes and those in receipt of adult social care.
Solution: We developed a COVID19 integrated communications strategy that established key narrative and information around what support was available to the city’s vulnerable residents, carers and care homes so they understood what was available and how they could access it.
Result: Once the strategy was in place we worked alongside a number of their corporate teams including the corporate communications team to disseminate the information and identify other opportunities to support the city’s most vulnerable residents over a 12-month period. This led to higher levels of engagement with the council from this target audience, reduced anxiety from the council’s commissioned care homes and better understanding of how to engage with the council to access the essential support available. This was alongside us being able to provide additional capacity to the corporate communications team during a time of national uncertainty.

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